Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ridiculous religion

I can't take this anymore. my mum is debating with me about religion but her logic is simple: blind faith. nothing else matters to her and i cant take the fact that she is using her own simple logic to debate. even when the topic is is totally irrelevant take this for example i made the point that god used the Israelites to destroy the caananites without even giving a chance of redemption for the caananites. Her explanation? the Israelites are sinful! how does that even link?? What irritates me most is that when she dunno how to go on with the debate she starts insulting like any other typical christian when they know they're losing a debate about their own religion. I used to be a christian but seeing how the people behave have turned me into a deist. To me god looks like how humans want their god to look like. their perceptions are based purely upon what they want, and that's ridiculous! How my mum shouted at me today trying to win her little debate makes me wonder how atheist kids get by with their christian families... poor outcasts...


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